Healthy life combine with Healthy Drinks

Who’s wanna have great health?
We’ll introduce fresh juice and detox drinks for maintains the body.

First is the Detox Drinks, Cold Press have 5 category that you can choose for your health and maintain your body weight. First is Power Cleanse, this category is suitable for you guys that have active and busy activity. The aim from this detox is to get enough protein and healthy fats to last you throughout your day. Second is Classic, this category is their signature detox program who want to have a real detox experience. Third is Anti Aging, for you guys that worried about aging in your skin, this detox is very suitable because this detox program is made to provide you with plently of anti-oxidants to combat aging. Fourth is is Vitality, if you sometimes or always feel drained and tired lately this detox program is the answer because the aim of this detox is to get the perfect program to revitalize yourself. Fifth is Skin Glow and Weight Maintance and this detox program that we choose. This detox program is to maintain your body weight and skin with their greens detox. 

For this detox, you will get 6 detox drinks. First is Green Boost, it has taste like you drink vegetable juice and has a sour taste  because cointain cucumber, Mexican tumip, spinach, apple, lettuce romaine, celery, green lettuce, bok choy, kale, and lemon. This detox drink is become your breakfast that because you must drink Green Boost at 9 o’clock and it has 500 ml/bottle.  Second is Lean Green, this detox drinks a little bit more sweet rather than Green Boost because contain more fruit like pear and orange, and of course with some vegetable mix like cucumber, lettuce, kale, and spinach. For Leen Green, you must drink at 11 0’clock and it has 550/bottle. Third is Roost Exotic, that cointain cucumber, apple, carrot, lemon, beetroot that make it color become more red, and ginger that make the taste feels like more warm or hot taste while you drink. This Roost Exotic is become your lunch and you must drink at 12.30 o’clock and it has 550ml/bottle. Forth is Longevity Juice, this detox drinks is most I liked because it sweeter than all of detox drinks and I love to drink fruit juice. Longevity Juice is contain of 4 variant of fruit like blueberry, grape, pear apple, and 1 vegetable like cucumber.  This detox drinks you must drink at 15.00 o’clock  and it has 550ml/bootle. Fifth is Leen Green that contain pear, orange, cucumber, lettuce, kale, spinach and you must drink at 17.30 o’clock. Sixth is Fontain of Youth, this is the second that I like because it has sweet and a litte bit sour taste from their fruit like strawberry, blueberry, apple and the vegetable like carot and cucumber. This Fontain of Youth is become your dinner because you must drink at 19.00 o’clock and become the last drink for your day.

One day before I do this detox program, I just ate food that contain more vegetable like capcay or some sauted vegetable. The experience while I do the detox program is I get  a little bit get hungry at lunch time because usually at lunce time I eat a lot of meal like white rice, poultry, and some vegetable. Arround 17.00 o’clock that sometimes is my PM snack time I also gave up for this detox program, but I must commit with this detox program that I must loss my body weight and finally I done my first day detox program. For the second day, this detox program is not too difficult like the first day, I do this program is like become the habbit. At lunch time and PM snack, I didn’t feel more hungry like the  first day. For the result, I loss my weight arroud 1,5 kg  but the for the skin glow is not too visble. For the good result you must do this detox program routinely.

Their is some requirement that you must do before detox program that you may not eat food that contain a lot of fat like meat, seafood, and poultry. For while you do the detox, you may not eat food and drink any beverage  except mineral water or infused water from lemon.

Second is Fresh Juice, this juice is so fresh make you day become more energize. Fruits and vegetable combine in one bottle, don’t afraid the taste become worst but cold press make it so delicious and make you addicted to drink more.

If you see from the outside of bottle you can’t judge is the bad choices but if you try is the best juices you’ve try. Sometimes when you try juices the taste more rough because the texture of fruits or vegetables but cold press have soft taste and also the appearance not bad ( not browning) because it’s press juice. If you keep it on refrigerator and consumed before the expired that it’s look so tempting. They’ve a lot of variaties juices:
F    1. Freshen Up
      2. Beet Harves
    3. Tropical Green, you must try because the appearance not so tempting but the taste so delicious
4    4. Watermelon Orange Twist is the best juice, a little bit sour but so refresh
5    5. Berry Hunter
6    6. Veggie Rhapsody

We recommended you to try the daily juices from cold press, and don’t forget to visit their’s website because there’s a lot of  choices package.

For more information about the detox program and their juice  you can follow thei Instagram account @coldpressid or their website at


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